
█Part 1█ Full Movie Gretel & Hansel

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  1. Publisher: Jackson Murray
  2. Bio: I write spooky/absurd/weird/fun screenplays: THE MOTHMAN, MEAT, DREAMHOME, DOOM SQUAD. BlueCat, ScreenCraft, GenreBlast, Nightmares finalist. he/him/his


  • country=USA
  • Thriller, Horror
  • rating=4650 Votes
  • writer=Rob Hayes
  • Oz Perkins
  • Actor=Samuel Leakey

User Score Play Trailer Overview When Gretel falls under a dark spell and organizes a coven of witches, Hansel must find the courage to fight his twin sister and the sinister forces controlling her. Featured Crew Ben Demaree Director Jose Prendes Writer You need to be logged in to continue. Click here to login or here to sign up. Global s focus the search bar p open profile menu esc close an open window? open keyboard shortcut window On media pages b go back (or to parent when applicable) e go to edit page On TV season pages → (right arrow) go to next season ← (left arrow) go to previous season On TV episode pages → (right arrow) go to next episode ← (left arrow) go to previous episode On all image pages a open add image window On all edit pages t open translation selector ctrl + s submit form On discussion pages n create new discussion w toggle watching status p toggle public/private c toggle close/open a open activity r reply to discussion l go to last reply ctrl + enter submit your message → (right arrow) next page ← (left arrow) previous page.


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Gretel & hansel trailer # 2 (2020) sophia lillis thriller movie.
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Gretel & hansel 2 game. Cuento infantil de Hansel y Gretel con dibujos para niños y niñas. Viñeta dibujada por mariana oviedo Cuenta una leyenda que hace much�simos a�os, cerca de un bosque tenebroso, hab�a una caba�a de madera donde viv�a una familia muy pobre. El padre, que era le�ador, trabajaba duro todos los d�as del a�o para ganar unos m�seros centavos con los que alimentar a los suyos. La madre guardaba cama porque esta muy enferma. Los hijos, un ni�o y una ni�a, apenas hab�an crecido por el hambre que pasaban. Viñeta dibujada por valu10 Una noche, mientras los ni�os se encontraban acostados, la madre dijo a su marido: -Querido, ma�ana tendr�s que abandonar a nuestros hijos en el bosque. Con lo poco que ganas apenas podemos comer. El padre se ech� las manos a la cabeza ante tal petici�n. La madre sigui� insistiendo hasta que al final el padre, abatido, acept� la exigencia. El hijo, Hansel, se encontraba despierto y oy� toda la conversaci�n. No dud� en despertar a su hermana, Gretel para contarle lo que escuch�. Viñeta dibujada por marta -�Esto es espantoso! - Dijo llorando Gretel - �Qu� haremos ma�ana? -No te preocupes, tengo un plan -Contest� su hermano, Hansel. Los hermanos volvieron a acostarse agotados por el hambre que sufr�an. Viñeta dibujada por Leonardo Fajardo Al d�a siguiente, el padre llev� a sus hijos al bosque con la excusa que le ayudasen en su tarea. Hansel cogi� un trozo de pan seco de la cocina y se lo escondi� en el bolsillo de su pantal�n. Estuvieron andando durante toda la ma�ana. Hansel, de vez en cuando, romp�a un cachito de pan y lo tiraba al suelo para dejar un rastro de camino de vuelta hacia su casa. Viñeta dibujada por melani Una vez el padre pens� que estaban lo suficientemente lejos de casa orden� empezar a trabajar. Pidi� a Gretel que recogiese setas para la cena y a Hansel, esp�rragos para la comida. Los hijos obedecieron. Pasaron pocos minutos y los hijos se encontraron completamente solos dentro de un bosque que no conoc�an. El padre hab�a desaparecido de una manera totalmente sigilosa. -�Estamos solos, hermanito! -Exclam� Gretel. -Seguiremos el rastro de migas de pan que he dejado - Contest� Hansel, tranquilizando a su asustada hermana. Continuar el cuento >> Actividades Actividades Hansel y Gretel Actividades variadas para trabajar el cuento relacionadas con la historia, protagonistas, elementos... Menú Cuentos Página principal de la sección de cuentos.

Gretel & hansel tropes. Everytime I see Terry, I hear him say he had to ask his wife about a dude that grabbed his balls... Gretel & hansel box office. Gretel and hansel movie. 3 yorum GRETEL & HANSEL - Hanzel ve Gratel Yazar ve yönetmen Osgood Perkins'in ilk filmi Blackcoat’un Kızı, Mad Men’in Kiernan Shipka’sını katolik kız okulundaki kazan dairesinden bir iblis çağırmaya çalışan seri bir katil olarak seçmişti. İkinci filmi 2016'da Ben Evde Yaşayan Güzel Şeyim'de ise Ruth Wilson, Massachusetts'te bir konakta bir hemşireyi canlandırıyordu. Perkins, üçüncü filmi Hanzel ve Gratel'le kaygılarını alt metinden yüzeye taşımış. Retitling'in dediği gibi, Gretel (Sophia Lillis), bu yenilenmiş Grimm Kardeşler masalını ele geçirdiğini iddia ediyor. Erkek kardeşi Hansel (Sammy Leakey) sadece 8 yaşında ancak o 16 yaşında ve kadınlığa ilk adımlarını atıyor. Bu süreç, masalın gençler için hain planları olan açık bir şekilde üçüncü bileşeni olan Cadı'nın (Alice Krige) gelişiyle çakışıyor. Ancak motivasyonları çocukların eti için basit bir açlığın ötesine geçiyor ve benzer şekilde Gretel ile çatışması Grimm'lerin ortaya koyduğu çatışmalardan çok daha bulanık çizgilerden ilerliyor. Perkins üçüncü filmde bu ünlü çocuk masalından bir korku yaratmayı başarmış. Siz de Hanzel ve Gratel'e farklı bir açıdan bakmak ve aynı zamanda korkmak istiyorsanız ekran başına, iyi seyirler. 1 ay önce XB VERSİYON LİNE SÜRÜMDÜR!!! KALİTELİ SÜRÜM GELDİĞİNDE GÜNCELLENECEKTİR!!! Filme Yorum Yaz Film Hakkındaki Yorumlar cansu 1 ay önce Güzel konusu senaryo ama aksiyon katıp fark yaratabilirlerdi. mali 1 ay önce Güzel film Hamza61 1 ay önce Iyi bir film güzel izlenir.

Everyone's reaction to this trailer 1:34. Gretel & hansel director. Gretel & hansel review. Gretel & hansel 2020. Antena 3 estrena el próximo lunes, 1 de diciembre, en prime time, 'Hansel y Gretel', la cuarta historia de la serie 'Cuéntame un cuento'. Esta ficción producida por Eyeworks España propone una vuelta de tuerca a los tradicionales cuentos clásicos para mostrar, con un nuevo enfoque, su vigencia en el siglo XXI. Y lo hace guardando la esencia y simbología de las fábulas pero incorporando, a su vez, giros inesperados y originales reinterpretaciones de los clásicos. A través del thriller psicológico, la ficción recrea los escenarios de los cuentos y da vida a sus protagonistas, siempre con la compañía de un narrador omnisciente quien, declamando los pasajes de las leyendas, marca el tono, a veces perverso, de cada una de las re-imaginaciones. El capítulo del próximo lunes, 'Hansel y Gretel', está protagonizado por Blanca Portillo ('7 vidas'), Marcel Borrás ('Pulseras rojas') y Aitana Hercal ('Ángel o demonio'). Las audiencias de 'Cuéntame un cuento': - 'Los tres cerditos' (10 de noviembre): 2. 736. 000 de espectadores y 14, 5% - 'Blancanieves' (17 de noviembre): 2. 468. 000 de espectadores y 13, 4% - 'Caperucita Roja' (24 de noviembre): 2. 300. 000 de espectadores y 12, 5% La nueva historia de Hansel y Gretel Dos hermanos se quedan en la calle. Después de vagar sin esperanzas llegan a la casa del bosque, una casa llena de dulces donde todo parece alegría, al principio, pues la mujer que tantas atenciones les prodiga pronto demostrará tener pérfidas intenciones... Dos jóvenes vagabundos y una mujer atormentada. En esta adaptación del famoso cuento clásico de Hansel y Gretel, dos hermanos se ven expulsados de su hogar y vagan evitando los peligros del bosque hasta llegar a una casa. La bruja es una artista con una mente enfermiza que buscará la redención de un pasado horrible. Querrá encerrar a Hansel y utilizar a Gretel para poner al chico en su punto. No para comérselo, sino para destapar una cara de maldad, lascivia y violencia oculta en las paredes de la casa.... Sinopsis de 'Hansel y Gretel' En una habitación una mujer hace las maletas apresuradamente, es la madre de los hermanos Hansel y Gretel, que les apremia para que se suban al autobús que les alejará de su casa. Cuando el motor se enciende la madre baja del autobús y les pide que no vuelvan nunca más. Los dos hermanos se bajarán en medio de la nada, y resignados a una vida lejos de su hogar, emprenderán el camino de vuelta a casa campo a través. Desorientados y cansados creerán que una casa en mitad del bosque es su salvación, no saben cuán equivocados están. Una bruja les espera en su interior. Se trata de Sara Morgade, fotógrafa de éxito venida a menos, que al principio se muestra encantadora. Los niños no saben que en realidad está tratando de ganarse su confianza... para comérselos más tarde. Blanca Portillo Los personajes del cuento Blanca Portillo es Sara Morgade (La Bruja). Sara Morgade es una fotógrafa de éxito venida a menos que vive en el bosque, en el retiro, acompañada sólo de un pasado que le persigue con culpabilidad. Se muestra libre, se muestra atractiva, pero una mente creativa y atormentada es capaz de muchas cosas, entre ellas culpar a dos niños extraviados de unos crímenes que le han hecho perder la cabeza. Marcel Borrás es Hansel. El hermano mayor peca quizás de sobreprotector. Él también se verá atraído por la casa de la libertad que les ofrece Sara, no obstante, él calla, pues hay algo que le escama. Pronto descubrirá que detrás de tanto buen gesto hay también una intención, y que no todo lo que reluce es oro, y caramelo... Lo que no se espera es convertirse en una obsesión para una bruja que quiere pagar con inocentes crímenes pasados. Ahora tendrá que escapar... Aitana Hercal es Gretel. La hermana menor es la que más sufre este abandono paterno, así, cuando encuentre una casa con una mujer que le acoge y le cuida como nunca lo habían hecho, no duda en que es el destino el que les tiene guardado un postre muy dulce. En plena alegría y color no se da cuenta de lo manipulables que pueden ser las niñas encantadas, y sólo se percatará cuando vea a Hansel preso y a punto de ser devorado por la bruja. Aunque quizás para entonces sea demasiado tarde...

Gretel & hansel reaction. Gretel & hansel january.

Im looking for comments that say “First”

Gretel & hansel parents guide. Excellent film! Really redeemed the month of January along with Underwater for Horror Films IMO. Was it just me or was there subtle hints that this story has a part 2 ie: IT chapter 1 and 2. Im so happy rn. Gretel & hansel imdb. Gretel & hansel 2019. If you told me The Rhythm Section was a sequel to High School Musical i would have believed you. Gretel and hansel game. Con esta música me trae recuerdos de mi único y gran amor siempre te amaré.

Gretel & Hansel Theatrical release poster Directed by Oz Perkins Produced by Brian Kavanaugh-Jones Fred Berger Screenplay by Rob Hayes Based on Hansel and Gretel by The Brothers Grimm Starring Sophia Lillis Sam Leakey Charles Babalola Jessica De Gouw Alice Krige Music by Robin Coudert Cinematography Galo Olivares Edited by Josh Ethier Julia Wong Production company Orion Pictures Automatik Entertainment Bron Creative Distributed by United Artists Releasing Release date January 31, 2020 Running time 87 minutes Country Canada [1] [2] United States [2] Ireland [2] Language English Budget $5 million [3] Box office $20. 5 million [4] [5] Gretel & Hansel (also known as Gretel & Hansel: A Grim Fairy Tale) is a 2020 dark fantasy horror film based on the German folklore tale " Hansel and Gretel " by the Brothers Grimm. The film is directed by Oz Perkins, and produced by Fred Berger, Brian Kavanaugh-Jones, and Dan Kagan, with a screenplay by Rob Hayes. Sophia Lillis and Sam Leakey portray the title characters, alongside Charles Babalola, Jessica De Gouw, and Alice Krige. The story follows Gretel and Hansel as they enter a dark wood in order to find work and food, and then stumble upon the home of a witch. It was announced in October 2018 that Orion Pictures in Gretel & Hansel, a film adaptation based on the German folklore Hansel and Gretel by the Brothers Grimm, with Perkins directing the film from a screenplay he co-wrote with Hayes. At the same time, Lillis was set to star in the film, with other actors being added shortly after, and filming taking place between November and December 2018 in Dublin, Ireland. Gretel & Hansel was released in North America on January 31, 2020 by Orion Pictures through United Artists Releasing. The film had grossed $18 million worldwide and received mixed to positive reviews from critics, with praise for its visuals and cinematography, as well as the horror elements and acting, but criticism for the film's pacing. Plot [ edit] A baby that everyone in the village found to be the most precious falls terribly ill one winter. Her father took her to see an enchantress, who removed the illness but left a power within the girl. As she grew older, people in the village went to the girl because she had premonitions of the future. Because she knew everything ended in death, she used her power to kill people, including her father. The child was taken into the woods to be left alone, but she lured other children to a grim fate. After their father's death, teenage Gretel ( Sophia Lillis) and her younger brother Hansel (Sam Leakey) are going to meet a man about a job as a housekeeper. Gretel meets with the man, but he makes his true intentions clear when he asks Gretel if she is still a virgin. The two leave without a job. At night, the siblings' mother rebukes Gretel for not doing what she had to do to get a job and help provide for them. She tells Gretel that she and Hansel must leave because there is no room left in the house. The mother goes as far as threatening to hack Gretel to bits if they don't leave immediately. The siblings flee their home and find a hut to sleep in for the night. Suddenly, a ghoulish man arises and lets out a horrible scream and makes the kids run away. He chases them outside and attacks Hansel. Before he can get to Gretel, he is killed with an arrow to the head. A hunter ( Charles Babalola) rescues the siblings and takes them into his home for the night and directs them toward others who can provide them with food and work. The following morning, the siblings go outside to forage and seek work. They get frustrated when they find nothing until Gretel spots some mushrooms. They turn out to be "magic" mushrooms that cause the two to laugh hysterically. Hansel then wanders until he finds a house that has a cake smell coming from it. Gretel follows as she hears what sounds like a girl's voice beckoning her, seen alongside The Beautiful Child being taken away in a carriage. Gretel tries to stop Hansel from going inside, but he goes anyway and appears to be taken by someone. Gretel tries to start a fire to break inside, but she is greeted by Holda ( Alice Krige), the woman living inside. She invites the siblings inside for a meal and allows them to sleep there in exchange for work. Holda has Hansel go out into the woods to practice his skills with an axe, while she keeps Gretel at the house. Hansel enjoys his time there because they have plenty of food, but Gretel becomes suspicious of Holda's intentions. Gretel starts to see a vision of the Enchantress and hears children's voices guiding her somewhere, but before she finds out what's going on, she wakes up in her bed. While Hansel goes out, Holda shows Gretel how to tap into her powers as a witch. Gretel goes into the woods and manages to use her power to bring a tree branch near her so she can take a fruit. Meanwhile, Hansel also sees a vision of the Enchantress and spots a satanic carving on a nearby tree. Hansel starts to grow suspicious of Holda. Later in the night, Gretel makes her way into Holda's cellar where Hansel is sitting in a trance. Suddenly, the floor fills with goo, and a younger witch emerges, emptying buckets of guts onto the table before turning them into food, the same that Holda fed the siblings. The next day, Gretel sits with Holda, who eats something and pulls a long strand of a child's hair out of her mouth. Gretel pleads with Holda to let Hansel go, but she refuses. Through a series of visions, she tells Gretel the truth about the story of the Beautiful Child: Holda was the girl's mother, and she resented her daughter after she killed her father, and she left the girl in the woods of her own accord. However, the child lingered in Holda's mind, promising to share her powers with her if she trusted the darkness. With that, Holda devoured her other children and took on the disguise of an old woman to appear friendly and lure other children to their fates. Holda straps Gretel to a table in the cellar as she assumes her youthful appearance to lure Hansel into a cage so she can cook him. Gretel manages to use her powers to send a staff toward Holda, impaling her to the wall over the flames. Her body catches fire, and she cries in agony until she is dead, breaking the trance on Hansel and letting Gretel go free. Gretel decides to stay behind at the house while sending Hansel on his way with a horse. The horse brings him back to his old house, where his mother no longer stays. Gretel then sees the spirits of the dead children emerge from the trees, now free at last. However, her fingers turn black just like Holda's did, but her voiceover states that she will be brave and trust in herself. Cast [ edit] Sophia Lillis as Gretel, a 16-year old girl and Hansel's older sister. [6] Sam Leakey as Hansel, Gretel's 8-year old brother. Leakey is making his acting debut. [7] Charles Babalola as The Hunter, a young man who helps Gretel and Hansel early in the story. [8] Alice Krige as Holda / The Witch, a terrifying and powerful evil witch who lives in the shadows of the dark wood and kidnaps Gretel and Hansel. [7] Jessica De Gouw as Young Holda / the Witch Production [ edit] In October 2018, the Hollywood Reporter wrote that Orion Pictures had started developing a film adaptation of the German folklore tale Hansel and Gretel, with Oz Perkins directing a screenplay he had co-written with Rob Hayes, and Sophia Lillis starring as the lead character. [9] Sinister producer Brian Kavanaugh-Jones and The Autopsy of Jane Doe producer Fred Berger, partners at Automatik Entertainment, were announced as producers, with Sandra Yee Ling and Macdara Kelleher as executive producers. [10] Hayes eventually received sole screenplay credit. In November 2018, Charles Babalola was cast as the Hunter, a new character who helps Gretel and Hansel navigate the woods. [11] In April 2019, Alice Krige, Jessica De Gouw, and Sam Leakey joined the cast, with Leakey making his acting debut. [10] Perkins explained in an interview that the title was changed because this version focuses on Gretel: "It's awfully faithful to the original story. It's got really only three principal characters: Hansel, Gretel, and the Witch. We tried to find a way to make it more of a coming of age story. I wanted Gretel to be somewhat older than Hansel, so it didn't feel like two 12-year-olds – rather a 16-year-old and an 8-year-old. There was more of a feeling like Gretel having to take Hansel around everywhere she goes, and how that can impede one's own evolution, how our attachments and the things that we love can sometimes get in the way of our growth. " [12] Principal photography on the film began on November 9, 2018 in Dublin, Ireland, and wrapped in December 2018. [13] Additional filming and reshoots started in January 2019 in Langley, British Columbia [ disambiguation needed], Canada. Release [ edit] The film was released on January 31, 2020, by United Artists. [7] Reception [ edit] Box office [ edit] In the United States and Canada, the film was released alongside The Rhythm Section, and was projected to gross $4 million to $7 million from 3, 000 theaters in its opening weekend. [14] [3] The film made $2. 3 million on its first day (including $475, 000 from Thursday night previews). It debuted to $6. 1 million, finishing fourth. [15] Critical response [ edit] On Rotten Tomatoes, the film holds an approval rating of 63% based on 81 reviews, with an average rating of 6. 16/10. The site's critics consensus reads: " Gretel & Hansel ' s rich visuals satisfy, even if this adaptation of a classic fairytale gets a little lost in the woods on the storytelling front. " [16] On Metacritic, the film has a weighted average score of 64 out of 100, based on 16 critics, indicating "generally favorable reviews". [17] Audiences polled by CinemaScore gave the film an average grade of "C–" on an A+ to F scale. [15] Chandler Levack from The Globe and Mail wrote, "Everything about Gretel & Hansel is weirder, smarter and way more cinematic than I'd expected, thanks to some fascinating movie choices made by director Oz Perkins. " Kate Rife from The A. V. Club wrote, "If one of the boundaries being tested in this film is viewers' patience, the reward for—to use a refrain repeated throughout the film—'trusting the darkness' is well worth the commitment. " Frank Sheck of The Hollywood Reporter wrote, " Gretel & Hansel may alienate some horror movie fans with its extremely leisurely pacing and emphasis on atmosphere and mood rather than visceral shocks. But while the film certainly demands patience, it provides ample rewards with its lush stylization. " Contrarily, Andrew Barker of Variety wrote, "The problem is that so many of its virtues feel compromised, " and Mark Kennedy of The Associated Press wrote " Gretel & Hansel is as visually arresting as it is tedious, a 90-minute movie that really should have been a 3-minute music video for Marilyn Manson or Ozzy Osbourne. It's in the horror genre only loosely. It's more eerie, if that's a genre. Actually, it's like dread for 90 minutes. It's dreadful. " References [ edit] ^ " ' Gretel & Hansel' Are In Big Trouble In New Trailer".. Retrieved February 1, 2020. ^ a b c "Gretel & Hansel (2020) Film Review".. Retrieved February 1, 2020. ^ a b Rebecca Rubin (January 29, 2020). "Will Blake Lively's 'Rhythm Section' Fumble at the Box Office on Super Bowl Weekend? ". Variety. Retrieved January 29, 2020. ^ "Gretel & Hansel (2020)". Box Office Mojo. IMDb. Retrieved February 26, 2020. ^ "Gretel & Hansel (2020)". The Numbers. Retrieved February 23, 2020. ^ Kit, Borys (4 October 2018). " ' It' Breakout Sophia Lillis to Star in Fairy Tale Thriller 'Gretel and Hansel' (Exclusive)". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved 4 July 2019. ^ a b c Couch, Aaron (19 April 2019). "Fairytale Thriller 'Gretel and Hansel' Set 2020 Release Date (Exclusive)". Retrieved 4 July 2019. ^ Wiseman, Andreas (6 November 2018). "Charles Babalola Joins Sophia Lillis in Orion Horror 'Gretel and Hansel' From 'Sinister' & 'La La Land' Producers". Deadline Hollywood. Retrieved 4 July 2019. ^ a b Couch, Aaron (19 April 2019). Retrieved 4 July 2019. ^ Collis, Clark (August 26, 2019). " ' It' star Sophia Lillis goes to a dark place in first look at Osgood Perkins's 'Gretel & Hansel ' ". Entertainment Weekly. ^ Kay, Jeremy (9 November 2018). "Dublin shoot begins on 'Gretel And Hansel ' ". ScreenDaily. Retrieved 4 July 2019. ^ Jeremy Fuster (January 28, 2020). " ' The Rhythm Section' Arrives During Super Bowl Slump Weekend for Box Office". TheWrap. Retrieved January 29, 2020. ^ a b Anthony D'Alessandro (February 2, 2020). " ' Bad Boys for Life' Scores Over Super Bowl Weekend with $17M+; 'Rhythm Section' Is a Mess". Retrieved February 2, 2020. ^ "Gretel & Hansel (2020)". Rotten Tomatoes. Fandango. Retrieved February 1, 2020. ^ "Gretel & Hansel Reviews". Metacritic. CBS Interactive. Retrieved February 1, 2020. External links [ edit] Orion Pictures official website Gretel and Hansel on IMDb.

Gretel & hansel (2020 film. Gretel & hansel torrent. Gretel & hansel trailer. Gretel & hansel rotten. Gretel & hansel tropes. Gretel & hanselman. Gretel & 26 hansel. Gretel and hansel release date. Gretel and hansel. the rhythm section.

I know why the names are that way round but it bothers me way more than it should

Gretel & hansel poster. Dear Odin, can you provide information where did you found out, that changing title from Hansel and Gretel to Gretel and Hansel is based on social justice reasons? Thank you in advance. Gretel & hansel 2019. Gretel & hansel soundtrack. Gretel & hansel csfd. Gretel & hansel 2020. Gretel & hansel january. Ive been watching this at least 50 times a day hoping itll hit 1mil.

Gretel & hansel (2020. Gretel and hansel showtimes. Gretel & hansel movie 2020. Eine lebende Legende dieser Typ. Ich habe vor ein paar Jahren diesen Wundervollen Menschen persöhnlich kennenlernen dürfen. Es war eine sehr schöne erfahrung. They forgot to blur a middle finger I'm calling the police. Gretel & hansel ebert. Gretel & hansel stream. Gretel and hansel plot. Ok that last scene had me grinning ear to ear. That's classic bond. The car, the gadgets, the smirk. Next part b aplod kro plz.

Gretel & hansel trailer subtitulado. Gretel & hansel reviews.




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